You have 3 easy ways to upload an invoice to Reeco
Upload from desktop (Way 1)
1. Go your Review Invoices page
2. Click on New Invoice or Drag & drop and invoice from your computer to the table
Upload from Reeco Mobile app (Way 2)
1. Go to our mobile app and click on Upload invoice
2. Take a picture of the invoice
3. It will appear in your Manage invoices page right away.
* Please notice at the moment you can only process / sync invoices from desktop
Email it to your (Way 3)
Send your invoices directly from the email to and it will appear there.
* Please notice, the email address you are sending from, must be a user in the Reeco platform, otherwise once the email arrived, we don't know who to attach it to.
In case you have an invoices inbox for you property, make sure you add it as a user.
1. Just go to Settings (click on the gear)
2. Hotel Management -> Users
3. Add the user with the email address